Did you know that in October 2003 changes in European legislation means that is it now possible to have your car serviced at an independent garage without invalidating your manufacturer’s warranty?
This legislation is referred to in the trade as Block Exemption Regulations.
Before Block Exemption was introduced it was very difficult for motorists to maintain their warranty unless the vehicle was serviced at a franchised dealer. Now car owners have the freedom to choose who can look after their vehicle and more choice means better prices for customers.
Cresswellcars are a Servicesure Autocentre and will have the required technical capability, knowledge and parts to carry out service and repairs to any manufacturer’s specification. So customers can expect the same level of service but with significant cost savings over franchised dealers. The Office of Fair Trading reports that an average service costs £199 at a typical franchised dealer, whereas at an independent garage, it is £119, saving in excess of 33%.
Why choose a Servicesure Autocentre over a franchised dealer?

When customers visit a Servicesure Autocentre they know their vehicle is in safe hands. Servicesure garages ensure all vehicles are looked after by qualified professional technicians who really care. All our garage members operate to a strict set of business practices laid out in our Customer Service Charter and are affiliated to a certified Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) provider who can step in should a servicing issue arise. We are so confident of our care that our servicing and repairs are backed by our market leading National Warranty. Many of our Autocentres are accredited to The Motor Ombudsman, who are approved, monitored and audited by the Chartered Trading Standards Institute (CTSI).

A Servicesure Autocentre is part of a quality garage network made up of members who are committed to not only meeting these standards, but surpassing all customer expectations.